Musical score in 5/4 time with dynamics

Power Chords and Incomplete Triads.

Power Chord. The notation for a power chord is the number 5 denoting the root, its fifth and optionally the root above the fifth following either the letter representing the root, or the scale degree as a Roman numeral. This compact notation is preferred over the alternative (No 3) or ind the abbreviation for indeterminate.

Example 1 illustrates how to introduce the power chord notation 5 in a composition. The guitarist interprets the 5 following the letter representing the root note or the scale degree to mean the root, its fifth and the doubled root above the fifth. Example 1 is an example of the root A followed by the number 5. Example 2 is an example of the same root A denoted by its scale degree as Roman numeral III followed by the number 5.

Incomplete Triad. The notation for an incomplete triad, exclusive of the power chord, is (No 5) denoting the root and third of the triad without the fifth. Common usage allows compact notation for incomplete triads and optionally higher order chords rather than intervalic notation.

Example 3 illustrates how to introduce the notation (No 5) indicating an incomplete triad in a composition. The guitarist interprets the (No 5) to mean the higher order Bb Maj 7 absent its 5th is incomplete.